
Can Uber Drivers Know What You Rate Them

After each Uber ride, you can generally rate your driver. For the most part the ratings are 1-5. For a short while in Austin Uber was testing having riders rate their drivers with emojis.

  • As Uber signs on more and more drivers, they institute minimum ratings that drivers must maintain in order to stay on the platform. Uber's local customer service may also reach out when you give an especially low rating.
  • Those minimum ratings can increase. So drivers do want to be rated well. That's why you'll see some cars offer bottled water or candy for instance.

In certain markets Uber has offered UberVIP where if you've taken enough rides in the market you can opt to only have the highest-rated drivers. However that can mean longer waits for a ride.

Uber drivers rate you as well. Although it doesn't matter nearly as much. Consistent problem customers can be invited to no longer use the platform — and either get a new phone or take up with Lyft instead.

A rider's number is more of a curiosity. Uber will tell you your number. You used to have to ask. Now it's in the app. And in fact they will now give you your average rating to two decimal places.

My average rating is 4.77:

Now, I have only tipped a driver once. That was near the Seattle airport when someone in my party got sick in the car. They didn't make a mess, but it was still pretty gross and I felt I had to make good.

One of the unique selling propositions of Uber is that it's cashless. You get in, you get out, there's no friction in the process. I wouldn't object per se if there was a tipping function (the way there is in the Starbucks app) even though I do not like tipping culture. But I am not going to start carrying cash for that purpose.

Some drivers report in their discussion forums that they rate down customers who do not tip. In my case it hasn't hurt my score. And I do not think I would care if it did.

Want to know your score? Here's how:

  1. Open the Uber app.
  2. Choose 'Help' from the menu
  3. Then 'Account'
  4. Then – about 10 items down – "I'd like to know my rating"

You'll be offered a screen that gives you the chance to see your average rating from all the rides you've taken.

Want to know how your next driver rated you?

  • Check your score before the ride
  • Check your score after you've received your next rating
  • Do math

Let's say I've taken 20 rides and have a 4.50 rating.

  • If I have a 4.52 rating after the ride, it means the driver gave me a 5.
  • A 4.48 means the driver gave me a 4.
  • A 4.43 means the driver gave me a 3.
  • A 4.38 means the driver gave me a 2.
  • A 4.33 means the driver gave me a 1.

An unchanged rating means you haven't been rated for the ride.

(HT: One Mile at a Time who has a 4.6 rating.)

Can Uber Drivers Know What You Rate Them


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